Something that I have found increasingly irritating in modern journalism is the careless use of nearly-but-not-quite appropriate words by journalists, that are left uncorrected by copy editors.
Here are just a few immediately accessible examples cut-and-pasted quickly from today's Online Jerusalem Post:
Matthew Gutman, a senior journalist with the paper, writes: "Although Arafat did not have absolute support from the Palestinians during his lifetime, all criticisms were laid aside as the Palestinians paid ardent and tearful tribute to their deceased leader, raising him near legendary status." [J - Can legendary status be achieved in one day?]
Another, admittedly less well known journalist, writing about Arafat's brother, wote: "He quit his position as chairman of the Palestinian Red Crescent three years ago, but has served as honorable [J - honorary] chairman since [J - since then]."
In an article about El Al, the Israeli national airline, we were toldl: "Responding to the Post's request, El Al said Sunday that there is no nonkosher food on all [J - any] of its flights."
These were just examples quickly and effortlessly culled from today's online edition. Is anyone editing this stuff? Does anyone care?